Creating Noise with Custom NAND Synthesizer

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artwork of the project

Artwork of the Project

This project happened years ago, and it is part of some trials with custom PCBs and to create very basic synths. I made this to give as a gift to my brother for his 19th birthday. After this, with a friend, we use it to apply for an exhibition under the name “Maçka Elektrikli Müzik Günleri” organized by the Music Technology department of the Istanbul Technical University. But, unfortunately, and quite understandably, they didn’t accept us. So, even though we have electricity in our ‘music,’ the very music was lacking in our project. Nevertheless, we still have it in SoundCloud for curious reader and also kept the lovely artwork we did for it.

TransDimensionalRedShiftedMetaSignal · Spin Algebra

PCB Design of Project

PCB Design of the Project

You can check the Gerber file here. There is nice and easy overview of NAND 4093 synths in this page with another custom PCB for it. I leave two videos down to check how the synth is operated.