Blog posts




Creating a Webcam Holder for Ultra High Vacuum Chamber with 3D Printing

1 minute read


In experiments involving UHV chambers, there is always a necessity to observe a sample or a filament. In most cases, one can do this simply with a webcam, but in some cases, magnification is a must as the CF viewport could be far away from the sample. If sample orientation and movement is crucial as in most of the issues, one can use an implementation of a strong camera lens with a regular computer webcam. This type of ‘implementation’ always comes with a hard-to-solve issue of custom pieces to connect the two parts. Fortunately, there comes the help of 3D printing.


Using LabView with a Debian Distribution

2 minute read


So after 1 year of Windows 10, I again return back to Unix-like systems. Before the Windows 10, I used OSX and Ubuntu. I should say, I was happy but you can’t know how life treats you in the end. Anyway, now I got a new job that needs some LabView programming and further graphical programming skills, I wanted to install LabView to my personal computer. University generously provides licenses and needed *.iso files. But, I learned-a bit harshly- that, the package systems of CentOS, RedHat, Scientific Linux, SUSE are different than Debian, Ubuntu systems and National Instruments only support the early mentioned ones package system; *.rpm. So, I will going to make a short tutorial for the ones who wants to use the LabView in Debian systems. I think, this should also work for Ubuntu.